Listen to the city — Warsaw
Warsaw is a city with a rich cultural heritage and history. Interviewing the public as to what their experiences and feelings are have given us a better impression and understanding of this city, and so the saying goes, “Listen to the City”.
Among our interviewees were people living in Warsaw as well as those traveling here. We acquired information from people about their thoughts regarding Warsaw, the good as well as the bad. In addition we received recommendations as to how we could improve the city as a whole, to make Warsaw a leading metropolitan city in all of Europe. Although most interviewees commented about their views of other people, shopping malls and restaurants, they also mentioned a good connection of museums and a satisfactory number of skyscrapers. Development of the above-mentioned should be the goal of Warsaw in the future.
The most heart-touching comment was about the homeless people in Warsaw by a few Ukrainian citizens (the bunch of guys). The government should take into account these stories and move Warsaw forward in a better direction for the prosperity of all.
Special thanks to my project partners GangGyu Lee and Bang GJ
And to Betty Tsakarestou for the insightful Brand Management course.